Summer of Simplicity starts today! Are you in?

Welcome to the Summer of Simplicity! This is the first week of our summer series, and I hope you're excited to get started, because it's going to be ah-ma-zing! 😊

In this summer series, we'll focus on ONE area of your home each week. We'll declutter, organize, and create routines & habits to stop the clutter from coming back... all in just 10-15 minutes a day!

I used your responses from the survey you took to determine which areas to focus on. So this series should be super relevant to the spaces you need the most help with!

If you follow along each week, you'll end the summer with some major areas of your home completely decluttered and organized.

PLUS you'll get into the habit of decluttering, which is the most powerful part of this series!

Which is why I'm going to encourage you to follow along each week even if you don't feel like you need to work on a certain area of your home.

Because those small, daily actions become your habits, and they all add up to make big changes over time.

You're going to hear me talk about habits a lot this summer, because they are CRUCIAL to your success! (And keep an eye on your inbox, because next week I'll have some really fun habit trackers for you!)

Without further ado, let's get started!


To get the most out of this series, I created an exclusive FREE PDF download so that you can follow along each week!

It includes checklists for each week's challenge as well as reflection questions and additional tips and tricks to help you each week.

(It's also helpful if you miss a week or want a sneak peek into the challenges for future weeks this summer!)

This free download will only be available during the summer challenge, so be sure to grab it here so you have a copy!


This week we're going to focus on the entry way to your home. The entry way is the very first thing you see when you enter the home. It's the first thing that greets you (and visitors!).

And because it gets SO much traffic, it often ends up cluttered with shoes, coats, backpacks, etc. This means when you first enter your home, you're greeted with clutter!

Coming home to piles of clutter is never fun. In fact, it can be downright depressing.

So this week, we're going to work on clearing and organizing the entry way, and putting systems in place to keep it from getting cluttered again.

This will help you feel better about entering your home and inviting people into it.

(And even if your home doesn't have an "official" entry way, you can absolutely still complete this week's challenge! Consider the immediate entry area of your home or the items near the door that you most often use to come & go.)

Here are some items to focus on in this week's challenge:

  • shoes
  • jackets & coats
  • hats, gloves, scarves, etc.
  • backpacks & purses
  • sports gear
  • umbrellas
  • furniture
  • decorations

You'll find a checklist for this week's challenge in the free PDF download here. There are also some extra tips and reflection questions to help you create a plan for your entry way!


If you're following along with the challenge this summer, I'd love if you shared your before & after pictures. Your pictures will help inspire others on their decluttering journey.

As a thank you for sharing, you'll be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift certificate to the Simplicity Shop. I'll draw a winner at the end of the summer challenge!

To submit your pictures, simply reply to this e-mail or send them to

I can't wait to hear all about your progress this week, Reader!


PS: This summer, we're working to make big changes through small, everyday actions. Grab your FREE download here to join us in this week's Summer of Simplicity challenge!


Celeste @ Simplicity Story

Feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff in your home? My easy decluttering methods will help you *finally* get that stuff out of your home. Subscribe for weekly tips and resources designed to help you get rid of the mess and create a home you can be proud of.

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Summer of Simplicity Challenge

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Summer of Simplicity Challenge

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Summer of Simplicity Challenge

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